About Us

Call for Connection

This website is a partnership project. The main idea is that by working together we can learn and share the amazing work of self-advocacy groups across the UK. We want to connect and share our work.

Where did it all start?

In 2018, Sunderland People First worked with the University of Sheffield as part of the Fellowes Programme. The Crook Fellowship is an opportunity for not-for- profit organisations to work alongside the university to carry out research and projects to improve people’s lives.

Working Together

There are lots of people and organisations that made this project happen, so we need to say thank you to:

Crook Fellowes Project

The Crook Fellowship is an opportunity for not-for-profit organisations to work alongside the University of Sheffield to carry out research and projects to improve people’s lives. We would like to thank Professor Crook for funding this work and to Katherine Runswick-Cole & Dan Goodley for bringing us together as a team.

Sunderland People First

We are a self-advocacy group based in the North East of England. Our aim is to promote the rights, equality and diversity of people with learning disabilities and autism. We want to show how we are #StrongerTogetherwhen we work with other self-advocacy groups to make change happen.

Find out more about our work at: www.sunderlandpeoplefirst.com

Learning Disability England

Learning Disability England exists to make life better for people with learning disabilities and their families. We are a membership organisation, bringing together people with learning disabilities, families, professionals and organisations. By working together, we can achieve more.

Find out more about our work at: www.learningdisabilityengland.org.uk

Inclusion North

Inclusion North exists to make inclusion a reality for all people with a learning disability or autism and their families.

Find out more about our work at: www.inclusionnorth.org


Thank you to the amazing team from Evoluted UK for working with self-advocates and partners to develop this website and show what self-advocacy groups can do.