Campaign 4 Change

About Us

Campaign 4 Change is a self and peer advocacy group for people with learning disabilities and autistic people. Members campaign and raise awareness of different issues, stand up for the rights of people with learning disabilities and autistic people on a national level, and work in partnership with other organisations.

The group have campaigned on many important topics over the years, such as changing the language often used in social care, making sure all people are included in decision-making and self-advocacy (especially those who don’t have a voice), raising awareness of peoples’ experiences when not fully in control of their own lives and many, many more.

Our campaigns include:

#MindYourLanguage – mission to make sure that the language used in social care is respectful to people who draw on support.

Removing the Cloak of Invisibility – a campaign to make sure people with profound and multiple learning disabilities are included in self-advocacy and decision-making.

Wheel of Engagement Podcast – self-advocates discussing topics and things that are important for people with learning disabilities and autistic people to live happy, meaningful and fulfilled lives.

Always in Lockdown – a campaign that raises awareness of limited control over their lives that many people with learning disabilities and autistic people experience day-to-day.

Captain Co-production – an animated superhero on a mission to promote co-production in social care industry.


Contact Details


Poolemead House, Watery Lane, Twerton, Bath BA2 1RN

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