Our Vision Our Future

About Us

We are a Self Advocacy, Self Help Group run by and for adults with Learning Disabilities aged 18 and over.

The decisions that move our group forward are made by us.

Our members are in control of the work we do.

We get help to access our ability and fulfil our potential.

‘Don’t ask our supporters, ask us!’

Self advocacy can change people’s lives…

Many people who join our Self Advocacy, Self Help Group have been told for yearsthat they can not do the things they want to do. This is wrong.
Through the support, knowledge and information we give to each other,we grow in confidence and learn about our rights. This helps us to be more able to make decisions that are good for us.

We support each other to be as independent as possible. We are supported to do as much as possible for ourselves. Because we are fully involved and listened to and our views are taken seriously, we are more able to make choices and speak up for ourselves.
We are happier, more relaxed and confident. Our self esteem and self worth gets better along with our health and well being.

With the right support we stop saying “I’m sorry” or “I can not do this.”

With the right support so many things are possible…

We are independent and community based.


Our Aims and Objectives…

Promote Self Advocacy, self help and the understanding of rights and responsibility

Promote inclusion and reduce isolation and loneliness by supporting friendships and relationships

Promote choice and control, making decisions and the development of problem solving

Enable members to use and improve their skills to help them reach their full potential and make a positive contribution within our group and in the community

Build confidence, self esteem and independence

Improve social and life skills including keeping safe and a good knowledge of ‘Hate Crime’

Increase levels of communication by using easy words and pictures as needed and the use of social media

Promote healthy life styles

Contact Details

01246 556694

The Ragged School, Markham Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 1TA

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