People First Bridgend

About Us

We are People First Bridgend.

We advocate for adults with learning disabilities and autism living in Bridgend County, Wales, UK.

We were founded around 1991 as a self-advocacy group.

We have a staff team of 5 and a Board of Trustees of 4.

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (or CIO) with a constitution.

How to find more about us:



Here is what we do:

  • Self-Advocacy Groups – We teach our members how to be strong self-advocates. We talk about important issues affecting our members’ lives. We invite people providing care and support, like the council and health board to our meetings, to inform us about their work and so that we can have a say. We get our members involved in things outside of our self-advocacy group, like co-production meetings.
  • Independent Advocacy – If people need help to speak up for themselves, we have advocates that can support them. They can help with lots of types of issues, including those to do with the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
  • Easy Read – We can translate things into Easy Read. This helps people to understand information better.
  • Training – We train people about having a learning disability and advocacy. We deliver this with our members. This helps others know what is difficult about having a learning disability and how they can help.
Contact Details

01656 668 314

People First Bridgend, Apollo Business Village, Heol Persondy, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9RF

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